Our Project

Project Description

India suffers from a high unemployment rate, especially among young people. The International Labor Organization estimated that unemployment among young people between the age of 15 and 24 is up to twice as high as among the general population. Recent years have also seen a simultaneous development of growing unemployment alongside an even higher numbers of educated jobs seekers. In fact, of 27 unemployed individuals in 750, 60% were highly educated. Vocational Training is an option to increase their chances of getting a job. The provision of such vocational trainings is to serve as a valuable instrument in reducing the mismatch between the demand and supply of jobs noticeable today.

In today’s world, when technology has moved ahead by leaps and bounds, we still leave out our women. On the contrary they should be educated and know the power of Training Programs. Horticulture Food Processing Training therefore becomes essential so that they can not only keep abreast with the current affairs but also learn, earn and fulfill their dreams independently. With the help of this project we are going to set up a vocational training centre and a placement cell for Women and Adolescent girls. We will provide girls and women with vocational and job-oriented courses like Basic Horticulture Food Processing Training. These are aimed to enhance the skill levels of women students to prepare them for employment in the Textile Industry. We are proposing to set up Horticulture Food Processing Training Center for Women at Guntur District. Imparting Skills in Horticulture Food Processing Training to the women is essential for achieving their goals and dreams.

Objectives of the Project

  • To help and support women economically, socially and morally.
  • To encourage the rural women to have skills by offering the Horticulture Food Processing Training to them.
  • To contribute to the development of rural women and make them dream for a better future in life.
  • To change the attitude of the rural women and make them understand that one among the best ways of protecting women is to train them with skills.
  • To create economic opportunities for 190 women through Training Programs.
  • To generate income sources for women such as Horticulture Food Processing.
  • To fulfill goals of development and the removal of unemployment and poverty.
  • To develop vocational competencies, creative thinking in the related areas and facilitate training.
  • To spread awareness about different job areas and to provide backgrounds for acquiring higher level training in subjects concerned.
  • To provide women with vocational and job-oriented courses Food Processing Industries.

Need of the Project

YANADI EDUCATION SOCIETY recognize that Horticulture Food Processing Training is playing a key role in every field of life. With education in cities laying emphasis on Skill Training Program, the educational institutions for girls in small cities are lagging behind. Yanadi Educational Society is trying to provide a solution to this. By making Horticulture Food Processing Training to women we are promoting that there be no gender discrimination but empowerment of women for a better life Belonging to conservative and illiterate parents, they are not allowed due to privacy and security reasons. The other very important factor is financial constraint which makes the parents reluctant to invest too much in education believing that the girls only have to be married off. It is basis of all these factors that we are proposing the set up of this center. It will help the girls and women to increase their knowledge base and understand how to tap in to any hidden talent they may have – be it cooking, housekeeping, gardening, sewing etc.

Goal of the Project

The main aim of this project is to sensitize the community towards the dangers of unemployment leading to poverty and also the neglect of education for girls and women. The aim is also to solicit their support to lower these levels as much as possible. In achieving this aim we hope to create opportunities for the poor and girls to use their potential successfully by getting vocational education. Due to lack of knowledge, information and orientation in Vocational Education the grass root level villagers cannot understand the need of immunization, importance of growth monitoring or technique. Vocational Education supports career development and social protection of individuals, maintains competitiveness of employed and supports self-employment and entrepreneurship.


  • The project will directly benefit 190 under privileged and less privileged poor Women and indirectly 825 family members.
  • 190 under privileged and less privileged poor Women will be empowered as the decision makers of their families as part of the project plan and will be given roles in planning, designing, implementation and participatory evaluation.
  • Beneficiaries will be empowered with relevant IT skills to effectively compete in the global market.
  • 190 under privileged and less privileged poor Women would be saved from contractual labor and consequently from labor exploitation, physical and sexual and torture.
  • 190 under privileged and less privileged poor Women are endowed with employable skills.
  • 190 under privileged and less privileged poor Women are able to earn their livelihood and upgrade their socio-economic status.
  • 190 families of poor Women would be able to free themselves from the bondage of debt.
  • 190 families would be able to acquire assets and livestock and that would lead to reduced poverty, hunger and dependency.
  • 190 under privileged and less privileged poor and Women and their family members are given the respect, sense of self worth and a feeling of belongingness.

Project Implementation Strategy

The basic premise of this project is self employability, ownership and unleashing the power women inherently have. The project will be organized in three phases:

Yanadi Educational Society will identify the girls interested in learning and teaching Horticulture Food Processing Training. We will form a core team, make an orientation and training plan, design a curriculum around pedagogy and select training partners. We will afford the opportunity to the indigenous women, who have some basic information relating to skill Training, to work with us as a team.

Yanadi Educational Society will focus more on organizing quality Horticulture Food Processing Training to selected beneficiaries by using local resources. The selected women will be job oriented Horticulture Food Processing Training. In the near future we will support them, to open their own Food Processing centers aimed at self employability. Yanadi Educational Society will conduct placement activities for the trainees and build financial and market linkage for establishment of micro enterprises at community level for self employability.

Monitoring & Evaluataion

The whole project will be under the supervision of a monitoring team and supported by documentation. The monitoring team may be appointed either by the funding agency or by the organization. The Program will be implemented by staff who deputed by our organization. The monitoring team will be selected so as to ensure community participation. There will be a Project Manager to monitor the entire program and document the activities. An annual audit and evaluation will be in place for the budget and will have comments and the action through the budget.


  • YANADI EDUCATION SOCIETY proposed to start, Horticulture Food Processing Training Program for Poor Women in Rural Areas of Guntur District.
  • About 190 Rural Poor Women will be trained in this Training program. Expert trainers in Horticulture Food Processing Training are gives training to the women. 3 Months Training Program. This units will provide employment for Rural Poor Women.